Easter Eggs Craft - Feather Kit - Thedanes.co.uk - Creative & Sustainable Living The Scandinavian Way
Easter Eggs Craft - Feather Kit - Thedanes.co.uk - Creative & Sustainable Living The Scandinavian Way
Easter Eggs Craft - Feather Kit - Thedanes.co.uk - Creative & Sustainable Living The Scandinavian Way


Easter Eggs Craft - Feather Kit

Create beautiful Easter keepsake decorations to become family treasures with eggs and feathers.

A fun and pretty Easter activity craft kit with 6 matt white chicken sized craft and natural feathers.
The kit includes a 6 eggs, 40ml PVA glue, a fine brush and assorted guinea feathers (3g bag).

The white eggs are made from plastic with a matt finish and are ready and easy to decorate as they are. Included are metal ornament hangers, the eggs are not supplied with holes

The white egg are plastic and standard chicken egg size. 6 are included.
The PVA glue is CE approved.
The bag of feathers is 3grams and contains approx 30-35 feathers.
