Spring Bulbs – Muscari Blue & White Magic
Bring nature inside and give instant joy and weeks of beauty with these 2 pots of Muscari bulbs, Blue Magic (aucheri) and/or White Magic.
They have small, round, blue flowers adorned with white spots and like most Muscari, these give off a wonderful fragrance. Please note due to the warm weather the bulbs are already in leaf and buds showing.
We like to place potted bulbs in pots, containers or on a tray, either cover with moss or take out of the pot and place directly into pot and top with moss.
If you are placing onto trays, wrap and tie the moss round the root balls.
Finally add seasonal twigs, quails eggs, feathers, pine cones or any other decorations or candles.
Included is 2 x 9cm pots (includes 6-7 bulbs) and 2 small coir pots to plant them into. Grows to approx 15-18cm tall.